Motion Sensing Mechanism Using the Lilypad Arduino and IMU Sensors: A Pilot Study
motion sensors, geriatrics, real-time processor, fall detection, wearablesAbstract
This paper enumerates the mechanism of motion sensing detection using some cool tech—the Arduino LilyPad and the MPU-6050 accelerometer and gyroscope module. Motion sensing is a big deal in stuff like making computers more responsive, creating awesome virtual worlds, and crafting wearable gadgets. The MPU-6050 is a star in this—it's small, power-efficient, and crazy accurate, making it a go-to sensor for anything to do with motion. A wearable shirt with the motion sensing sensor with variation of the real time processors such as Arduino LilyPad and MPU-6050 was designed and assessed for its efficacy towards the motion detection by making use of inertial measurement sensors such as accelerometer and gyroscope. The pilot study reveals of the importance of selection of processor for wearable electronics system development. The preliminary results were quite promising and the system needs to be validated with more geriatric group before taking to the commercialization.
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