The Role of Electronic Health Record in The Effective And Efficient Health Record Keeping at St. Lukes Hospital, Anua Akwa Ibom State
Electronic Health Record, Efficient Health Record Keeping, Electronic Health equipment, Patient Care Management, EHR systemsAbstract
This investigative study, titled "The Role of Electronic Health Records (EHR) in Effective and Efficient Record Keeping at St. Luke’s Hospital, Anua, Akwa Ibom State," aims to assess the impact of electronic health records on the hospital's record-keeping processes, focusing on their effectiveness and efficiency in preserving health records. EHR is a systematic collection of patient electronically stored information in a digital format. The problem under investigation were inadequate training for staff on the use of EHR systems, inadequate funding from the management to maintain and create room for smooth running of the EHR system, threats to confidentiality of patient health information can occur and lead to loss of information in using EHR system. The objectives of this study was to create an overview on the benefit of using EHR in record keeping and patient care management at St. Luke’s Hospital, find out the developmental process towards the implementation of EHR in the hospital, access the current challenges of the health system in the use of EHR, examine the ways of maintaining the EHR system. Some related literature were reviewed. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaires to 110 staff members and 96 responses were retrieved for the analysis. Data was analyzed with simple frequencies and percentages chi square was used for the analysis. Findings revealed that inadequate Electronic Health equipment, inadequate IT personnel and epileptic power supply are the major issues in the smooth preservation of EHR. Despite the issues, benefits of EHR such as improved accuracy, faster access to patient information and enhanced care coordination were recognized. The study provided recommendations for hospital management, government and policy making to enhance EHR adoption and utilization, invest in adequate EHR equipment and ensure a reliable power supply to support the seamless operation of the EHR system.
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